I tell them all the work is done and regardless of how it has gone, the key thing is to relax and realize that the months of training are more important than the last two weeks, so relaxing and letting that training come to fruition is most important. As Coach Dellinger used to say, "the hay is in the barn!"

- Coach Salazar

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Round and Round We Go....

Wednesday night is Speed Work at TC Williams (Remember the Titans!)

Today I was only on the schedule to run 2 miles, since I'm trying not to go too nuts with increasing mileage while I play catch-up.

And my friends over at Pacers told me that today we were running 400m repeats. Which, if you've never run track (and, let's face it, I haven't), means 1 lap.

1 lap running hard (ish)
1 lap jog
1 lap running hard (ish)
1 lap jog

And so on and so forth.

Now running on a flat surface is just the bee's knees. So, naturally, I'm busting out 10 minute miles (and even one 8 minute mile loop). Although, as happy as I was about it, I was doing my "tough" jog at the same pace the other folks were doing their "easy" jog. But at least we finally got to run together!

Total today was just over 2 miles (you'll see I forgot to turn on my damned watch for a minute). I could have done a few more, but, like I said, the focus now is to slowly build mileage.

I will say that Mother Nature is going to be oh so kind the rest of the week, and give us some nice weather. So perhaps that'll do something with my heart rate.

And speaking of heart rate, took it VERY easy tonight, pausing after each loop. Average was 162/84%, maximum was 180/93%.

I picked up my Flovent and took my first puff of it tonight, after the run. I also picked up some more Allegra, so we'll see if that helps with any of the crap in my lungs.

I'm really getting tired of having to deal with this - at what point can I just RUN without all of this shenanigans!!!

In other news..........I really want a big, juicy steak.

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