I tell them all the work is done and regardless of how it has gone, the key thing is to relax and realize that the months of training are more important than the last two weeks, so relaxing and letting that training come to fruition is most important. As Coach Dellinger used to say, "the hay is in the barn!"

- Coach Salazar

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Marathoning....take 2....

I really fail at blogging lately, but I'm trying to get back into it.

So since my last post, I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in just under six hours (5:57:39 to be exact). Kind of disappointing, especially because I had an internal mental breakdown at mile 14 (MILE FOURTEEN I TELL YOU!). Basically, did not take Tums, got feeling ill, didn't eat or drink for 2 hours, and by that time...well it was just finishing at that point.

And because I am my own worst critic and a self-described perfectionist in everything I do (with the exception of cleaning, LOLZ), that only meant I had to try again.

And I tell you, I had a great plan back in December:

1. Train for a fast 5k in February
2. Train for a fast 10 miler in April
3. Train for a fast half marathon in June
4. Train all summer for a fast(er) marathon in October.

Boss, right?

WELL....as I have found out repeatedly this year, planning is useless. (Seriously, ask me about that wedding I'd planned to have sometime next year....)

1. I plum-ass FORGOT to sign up for the 5k, which was Love the Run You're With. Like....walked up to the registration desk, checked bank statements, etc. before it dawned on me that I FORGOT TO SIGN UP FOR THE RACE I WAS TRAINING FOR.

2. Right around March I started to have really bad hamstring pain, which put a huge damper in my training. I was actually considering pulling out of the race, but then the Boston Marathon bombing happened. And let's just say, it dawned on me that this could very well be my last race (I mean, you never know, see post above about planning). So I ran the GW Parkway Classic in something...who knows. Because I had SERIOUS GI issues; the difference between my watch time and bib time was something like 15 minutes.

Oh, and that hamstring pain? Turns out my left butt was "asleep" (not firing correctly), and causing my gait to be off. Pain was gone in about three days. WTF.

3. I knew going into the VA Wine Country Half that SOMETHING was going to go wrong. I mean, I was 0 for 2, how could this one go any better? And, I was right (hooray?). It was humid, hot, gross, and miserable. And it had been a ridiculously cold spring, so I was woefully unprepared for the humidity. In fact, I actually considered going to the medical tent and/or passing out. But if I passed out, they would call my emergency contact, which happened to be my ex-boyfriend (see aforementioned comment re: wedding above). So I finished in - literally - my worst time ever.

Which brings us to #4 - train all summer. Well first thing, I was in Florida, and my great dreams of keeping to my running schedule were dashed due to high humidity and high alcohol levels (hey, I'd just gotten out of a long-ass relationship, quit judging). Then, during week 1 of training, I was driving my baby cousin all over south Florida looking at colleges. Then aforementioned cousin got me sick, like - fever-sick (I can't remember the last time I had a fever). So two weeks went by with very little running, and the running that did happen was slow and miserable.


Last week, I finally got back on schedule, due to a couple of things. I realized that being sick with a gross-ass lung infection + asthma + humidity + pollution = nearly fainting, so I did something I haven't done in at least three years - run on a treadmill.

But I was sprinting 9 minute miles. Easy. Like, I might have been able to do 8:30s. And I wasn't coughing my face off. And I wasn't dizzy. At ALL.

Then I was able to do 7 miles yesterday on my first "long run" of the marathon training season. And I actually enjoyed it - I was like, "Damn, Whit, you're drinking your Nuun, out at 7am, it's only 75 or so and cloudy, and you're at Haines Point. This is exactly where I want to be right now." And I even smiled (You should click on that link to hear how I am saying "smiled").

In all, I did a grand total of 19 miles this week: 3 on Monday in my neighborhood, 3 on Tuesday with Pacers, 3 on Wednesday in the gym, 3 on Thursday with Pacers, and 7 on Saturday with Pacers.

Next week, I am aiming to do 21 miles:

Monday: 3 Miles + Weights and such at the gym (In lieu of killing myself in the heat and humidity, I'm going to take advantage of the gym, free weights, and dog-less stretch time.)
Tuesday: 3 miles with Pacers (depending on how I'm feeling, maybe 4)
Wednesday: Speed Work with Pacers (distance is maybe 2-3 miles)
Thursday: 3 miles with Pacers
Saturday: 10 miles with Pacers

I'm planning (dammit Whit, what have I told you about planning!!!!) to do a little more building of my base mileage until I am completely caught up, 21 this week, 24 next week, 28 week after that, before dropping down during my off week. I'm also going to start off only doing 3 every day during the week, before gradually upping my mileage to 4 miles (during the long run off week), then 5 miles at the next long run off week. I think the biggest thing I didn't do last year was keep up with my mileage during the week.

So that's a long story of what's happening in the Full-Whit universe. I really am going to try to continue and blog this marathon training this year, because I feel like it motivates me and allows me to overanalyze every single thing that I do, which is kind of my cuppa tea.

So with that, I leave you with a little bit of running humor. I'll be here in just a few weeks....

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