That's about how I felt after today's run.
It was 82 degrees at 6:30 this morning, with about a billion percent humidity.
This is how I feel right now:
This is how I feel right now:
But I muddled through it at probably just around 9.5 miles (I had a bit of runners brain and forgot to turn my Garmin back on for maybe half or three quarters of a mile). Took me just under 2 hours too.
Earlier in the run, I had an epiphany. Those who know me know I like to plan (read: I like to control things). And I really get pissed off when my plans do not happen the way I want them to (read: I don't like it when I lose control of things). So I think that's probably why I get so annoyed with myself when I don't run as fast or work as hard as I think I'm capable of.
But I started a new running mantra today. The mantra is, "I am in control of this run." Sure, I will take input from my body and the Blergh (who was so kind to bark in my ear every time my heart rate hit 95% and my shoulders started to tingle - I'm sure that's healthy). But I decide how the run will go and I will decide how I feel about this run.
Today I decided to be satisfied with the effort I put in. It was hot, it was humid, it was 10 miles, and I have an arch sprain (surprisingly very little barking from the arch today). Today's goal was distance and I did the distance.
And speaking of distance:
Monday - 2.5 on the treadmill + strength training
Tuesday - 3 with Pacers
Wednesday - Did Not Run (:X)
Thursday - Handed out ice, but DNR
Friday - 3.5 miles on the elliptical (IT COUNTS.)
Saturday - 9.5 miles with Pacers
Total Mileage: 18 miles
I'm 3 miles shy of my goal mileage for the week. But we had heat advisories and code reds and such all week, so I believe I'm going to accept this week's work as satisfactory.
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