I tell them all the work is done and regardless of how it has gone, the key thing is to relax and realize that the months of training are more important than the last two weeks, so relaxing and letting that training come to fruition is most important. As Coach Dellinger used to say, "the hay is in the barn!"

- Coach Salazar

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year, New Goals, New Perspective

Ah, 2013, you can eat my poo.

Seriously, though, with the exception of my bestie getting murried in March, this year has been a piece of crap. 

So now that it's over, here I am again home in Florida, looking at a 15+ hour trip back to Virginia and thinking about all of the things that I want to happen in 2014. My "new years resolutions," if you will. Which, based on my expectations from last year, you would think I would have learned my lesson.

Well universe, calling your bluff. I'm putting some plans down. Hit me with your best shot (please don't). 

January starts my newest monthly dietary/food-related "thing." I actually seriously fail at dinner most every night of the week (and cleaning up). So this month, to help myself, I'm pre-making all of my food this weekend and sticking it in my freezer. That's right, one whole month of pre-made meals that I can pull out, stick in the crockpot (using a liner), turn on all day, and enjoy after my workout. In addition, I'm putting some healthier stuff on the menu for lunch everyday, like quinoa salad variations and lettuce wraps. The goal is to detox after my annual fattening in Florida. 

Although, I am proud to admit that I HAVE been exercising while I've been down here. I'm still in foot-recovery mode - 1-2 minute intervals have been all I've been able to do. Which has actually been worse for my poor asthmatic lungs than for my foot (but let's face it, my foot hurts sometimes too). Today I need to quit blogging and go out and do 5 (!) minute intervals. 

These intervals are actually kind of nice because it's forcing me to learn how to run faster slowly. So who knows, maybe when I get back to normal running, I'll actually be doing 9 minute miles! 

When I'm not running, I'm being a total boss on my mom's elliptical. Because that's how I roll. And on that note, it's time to go for a run.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Race Recap

Did I just run a marathon? Is it done? Let's do another one!

That's kind of how I feel right now. 

But let's start at the beginning...

The night before the race, I had a grand ol' time making signs for the dreaded Haines Point, and then going to the annual pasta party where I'm pretty sure I ate wayy too much. So, of course, I woke up at midnight - wide awake - freaking out about the marathon. I tossed and turned for a few hours - think I slept from 2-5 perhaps. But then I was up at 5 and couldn't for the life of me go back to sleep. And my stomach was still doing flip-flops. 

As you can probably surmise, that left me barely able to eat a banana. Surprisingly, the cup of coffee I made myself did calm my stomach down a little. But I had to have a talk with myself:

Me #1: Whit, you don't have to go.

Me #2: But, I want to go!

Me #1: Really, then why are you freaking out?

Me #2: Becaaaaaause

Me #1: This is a choice. You have a choice. If you don't want to do it, then don't. Otherwise, shut your face and get going.

(I was reminded later that if I hadn't shown up, I would have been verbally acosted by my Pacers people, so I actually did not have a choice in the matter)

I also had a fellow Pacer's bag of stuff that I was dropping off at our tent (Pacers sets up a tent for the "VIPs" to leave their stuff. Usually has food, beer, champagne, and other stuff. It's great because it's right outside the finisher's circle and you don't have to bagcheck your crap). Luckily, I timed my metro ride right and was able to hook up with my friends. Chatting with them for the ride over was calming, but I was still unable to eat more than half of my bagel. 

We made our way down to the starting line, and I started to get hungry (WTF body). But we got into the line, boom went the howitzer, and off we went. 

The first two miles, I was actually stuggling to not walk. But I think I just needed to warm up. There's a good song that I picked for the first mile - Brooke Frasier is always my long run kick-off songs. The song is called Cochella, and it's about when she played at the music festival after suffering from some blues for a while. Seeing the mass of humanity was so beautiful to her that it lifted her spirits and she was able to compose new music. 

Anyways, there's a line in there like this "We're standing at the shore/in the smoke and the starlight/at the edge of a human sea/and the tide is in..." And it was really appropriate for the first couple of miles because there were people EVERYWHERE! 

Going up the hill was a challenge (as always), but I made it to the first water stop. Since unable to bring my NorthFace backpack (although I saw people with them, bastards), I had to bring my Amphipod Water Belt. But that also meant I didn't have any NUUN, so I had to drink the gatorade on the course. In any case, I tried to drink it at every water stop. 

After the hill, we looped around to Spot Run Parkway, which is all downhill. I kept it slow and steady, finding a large man carrying a flag to trail behind for the duration. I really like Spout Run Parkway, there's a pretty waterfall, you get to see the Georgetown side of the Potomac, and it's just nice. Then we were back up in Rosslyn, over the Key Bridge, and into Georgetown. 

By this point, I was feeling good now. I had a good and steady pace, I was only stopping for water and gatorade. After Georgetown, we ended up going up water street and around to Rockville Pike - new addition to this course, although we had run it twice over the summer. 

I really like this new course, there seemed to be a lot more folks out on the course, and it was much more shaded and scenic (not to mention less hilly). Right around mile 8, I started to feel a little fatigued, so I walked for a little bit. Starting back up was hard, but I muddled through it, all the way to the end of Rock Creek. 

Between miles 8-11, I think I started to take more walk breaks. Then we got on Haines Point, which is my favorite part, simply for the signs! I made some awesome ones:

"You're running better than Healthcare.Gov"


"If you're sad, just imagine a T-Rex doing a push-up."

"Hey Girl, You look hot in compression shorts. - Ryan Gosling" 

"Hey Girl, I love a woman that can go for 4 hours. - Ryan Gosling"

"Run like Miley is twerking behind you!"

"Run! Sharknado is coming!"

"I put up this sign at 3am - Don't disappoint me!" 

And for my buddies:

"Ed & Eileen - Your retaining wall fell down..."

"Abi - Just wait at the finish, Amos is going to run another 25."

"Sonia - The spectator guide is fine. Have a great run!"

"Whit - You aren't going to die. Suck it up and deal with it. <3 Whit from 12 hours ago" 

Right around mile 14 was when I think I hit a mini-wall. It was hard to concentrate, it was hard to think, and it was really hard to run. But I took another GU and muddled through. Also, I think at this point, my fuel belt started to really hurting my stomach (never again!!!). 

The point after Haines (miles 15-17) is just a hard part for me mentally, I don't know why. It's a long stretch from Haines to the Lincoln back to the mall. I walked a lot more than I wanted to, and I began counting down the miles (Only 9 left, only 8 left - an hour and a half). 

Last year, I coudn't remember running on the first side of the mall, so I took a mental note to remember it. The sun had started to come out, so I was able to pull off my little mini-jacket and wrap it around my waist. We strolled around the Capital and I got my picture taken on the other side (we'll see how those turn out!). Then it was down the mall to the 14th street bridge.

WHERE I SAW MY FIRST AND ONLY CHEERING SECTION!!!!!! I was so happy to have seen SOMEBODY on the course for me. Thank you Jeana, Chrissy, and Kelly! Also, I didn't realize Tanya was there too! 

That happiness lasted me for like five minutes, then it was back to walking. LOL. 

I had timed my music to play songs like "Single Ladies" and Sara Evans' "A little bit stronger" at the bridge, and it was good. But I took a break to check my phone and see all of the supportive messages that my friends and family had sent. I love you guys so much!!!!

At this point, since I was walking more than running, my foot started to hurt. But we muddled through, trying to run as much as we could. My stomach (not the actual stomach, but the muscles outside of it) was hurting more than the foot - I had to take my fuel belt off a few times just to relieve the pressure. It even completely cramped up towards the end. 

Crystal City held my favorite stop - Annapolis Runner's Coke station! But the bastards only had diet coke, so I couldn't drink any of it. So we continued on, around 23rd street, and back to Army Navy. For some reason, I got a second wind and was able to run more than I had been. Could have been the angry music that started playing. 

We came to the Pentagon and then up 27. We're now at the last two miles, folks! I caught up with a group of runners who were running with TAPS and set them as my pacers for a while. But my stomach was really cramping at this point, and I had to walk. 

The last mile or so, I tried as hard as I could to run, but the pain in my stomach was too much. I did go up the hill, and all the way to the finish. 

Then I just wanted my medal, my finisher's pack and to get to the Pacers tent. Where my buddies were there to great me and give me a hug!

So, all in all, I am very happy with my performance. Without my backpack, with a reduced training schedule due to foot injury, and with all the other crap that I had to deal with, I still shaved 20 minutes off of my time from last year. Which is actually pretty impressive. 

What is more satisfying is that I know I can do better (Not could, Mom, can). Which is why I'm going to try to do the Pensacola Marathon next year. I'll be home, where I have a built-in cheering committee, and possibly some great running partners (Val - you gotta do at least six with me!). 

Which means I get to be the most awesome spectator at next year's Marine Corps! I see balloons and a dry erase board in my future....

(I will edit this post later to update with links and garmin info :))

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Marathon Eve

Well, here we are again folks - marathon eve. Pardon another reflective post....

In December of last year, I laid out a nice big plan for the next year. I thought that my running would continue to improve effortlessly, I thought I was going to be promoted because my project was going to succeed, I thought I was going to be engaged. I put in so much hard work for so long that I just knew that I would be reaping the rewards of my hard work. 

As we all know, none of these things happened. I didn't get what I "deserved" and spent most of the summer in a weird place emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically. I kept making "plans" and having expectations of things only to find them continuously dashed by reality.

So, very recently, I have made some very different plans. Namely to not have them anymore. I have decided that the universe (God, Flying Spaghetti Monster, whathaveyou) will figure out what will happen, and I am absolutely helpless to control it. 

Which is why I'm feeling very Zen about this marathon tomorrow. I know I can't control the outcome, and, at this point, I have done literally everything I could possibly do to be successful. I can't control whether my foot starts throbbing, or whether I get too cold or whether I just plain ol' run out of gas. What I can do is bring a jacket, bring an extra gu, and hope for the best. And, most importantly, not get angry with myself for not doing better.

I bring a lot of yoga teaching to my running. Last year, I had a mantra, a chant that kept me going, "If not now, when?" This year the mantra is "Strong and Focused." 

Strong - Because I will run this marathon without anyone waiting for me at mile 20 (Beyonce and Single Ladies will get me through that particular emotionally jarring stretch of the course). Strong because I have trained with a sprained arch, trained while working more than 40 hours a week, trained while going to grad school. Strong because I have put myself through more than I ever thought I could handle, and I have come out clean on the other side.

Focused - Focused because my will to run is stronger than my desire to stay inside. Focused because I control my own thoughts - they do not control me. Focused because the only person who can run this race is me, and I will carry myself on my own two feet. 

All that being said, in yoga, we set an intention before every class. Sort of a, "here's why I have come to the mat today. And when the mat gets tough, I will return to my intention to remind myself why I am here today." 

Besides staying strong and focused, my intention for tomorrow is to be gentle with myself. To know the difference between my mind saying I can't and my body saying I can't. To accept my performance as it is and to be happy with it. Even if it means pull out mid-race, even if it means getting a worse time than last year. 

This is most likely going to be more difficult than running 26.2 miles. But if I can run 26.2 miles, I can be happy with the results.

And now I leave you with the theme of last year's marathon (Kelly Clarkson's Catch My Breath), and a great reminder of just how far I've come:

I don't wanna be left behind
Distance was a friend of mine
Catching breath in a web of lies
I've spent most of my life
Riding waves, playing acrobat
Shadowboxing the other half
Learning how to react
I've spent most of my time

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down,
It's all so simple now

Addicted to the love I found
Heavy heart, now a weightless cloud
Making time for the ones that count
I'll spend the rest of my time
Laughing hard with the windows down
Leaving footprints all over town
Keeping faith, karma comes around
I will spend the rest of my life

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down,
It's all so simple now

You helped me see
The beauty in everything

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

See you on the flipside.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A really honest blog posting



Giving up. 

Just a few words I would use to describe my run today. 

This run failure began on Tuesday or Wednesday, when I got the glorious news that the Marine Corps Marathon was banning backpacks. All backpacks, including my beloved security blanket, my North Face hydration backpack. Yeah, okay, security and all that, but COME ON PEOPLE.

I mean, look at this - wearing it last year. (well, there's more than 1 security blanket pictured in this photo...) How happy I am, thumbs up. I've got my security blanket(s) and I'm one happy girl

I was already getting used to the idea that my one security blanket was not going to be there at mile 20 
. But you know what, I was okay. I had my plan (HAH PLANS), I had my training, and I had my trusty backpack to bring all of my goodness in it. 

But now, 25 days before the run, I now find myself having to face running 26.2 miles without my backpack. The backpack that I trained with, the backpack that I'm comfortable with. And the ability to drink my blessed NUUN whenever I want. Because, you know, they don't have NUUN on the course. And I have my irrational fear of fainting on the course due to hypnoatremia (overhydration). So you know, commence freak-out.

(Honesty here)

I think this really has to do with the fact that no matter how much I run, deep inside I still think I'm the fat, asthmatic teenager that I used to be in middle/high school. Everytime something is slightly hard, my brain fires up with, "SEE? This is what I was telling you. You can't do this. Stop pretending to be a runner." So I try to think of every single contingency that could possibly come up with that could go wrong so I could tell my brain, "SHUT UP YOU STUPID BINT!" Dehydration, lack of food, lack of sugar, inhaler - everytime something comes up, I want to be able to shut down that voice and keep going. To be one of those people who effortlessly runs like a gazelle, instead of a warthog. 

The truth is, I have a really hard time controlling my own brain. It literally runs wild sometimes with thoughts and doubts and plans and dreams. Not just with running either, it's with a lot of things in life (read: dating). I tend to start daydreaming - knowing full well that I'm daydreaming, and that it will never come true. But you know, sometimes I get all wrapped up in it, and get disappointed.

Recently, I've determined that writing my books (yeah, I write books) is so fulfilling because it's the only thing in this world that I can control (ding ding ding - control issue). I can make the exactly what I plan happen just by typing it in. Poof, there it goes. There's no disappointment when I'm in total control of the situation.

Which brings me back to the crux of my freak-out about the change.

If I don't bring everything I am going to consume, that means I have to rely on other people. And what if those people let me down? Then my brain will go into overdrive and tell me to just quit. And I think I'm afraid of hearing that voice during the marathon. And actually listening to it, like I did last year, and failing miserably. Because I am not a gazelle, I am a warthog. 


I have 25 days to get my shit together and try to make the best out of a bad situation. 

So today I ran with a fuel belt instead of my backpack. I had 2 10oz bottles (and a prayer that I would find water stops every 5 miles or so), I bought a new holder for my peanut butter crackers and extra NUUN, my phone, and I safety pinned 6 GUs to my belt (because I can't fit in clif blocks). And I said, welp! time to go run 22 miles.

And it was fucking terrible. 

I'll tell you, the pressure on my stomach from the belt made me feel like I was going to vomit. The whole time. Although I am sure that the 90 degrees and high humidity levels didn't help. And also the fact that the gubment had shut down the trail I wanted to run on, so we had to run on another trail. So instead of going on the beautiful Capital Crescent Trail, I was stuck on the W&OD trail. 

And then my arch STARTED HURTING. So I had to basically limp home. The last 5 miles were 80% walking. 

I'm trying to stay positive. Really, I am. I'm trying to let go of control without giving up completely. You know, let go and let God (or whomever you like). 

So here are the positive things about today:

- I am alive and I ran 16 miles
- I may be able to run with GUs only and not NUUN. The GUs have a higher electrolyte level than the clif blocks. We shall test this concept next week.
- Salted Caramel GU is sent from the GODS. The GOOOOOODS
- I am going to physical therapy on Monday


Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hello there internet friends. 

Sorry I've been MIA for (almost) a month. Things and stuff and things. And work. Yikes for work.

I need to go log onto my Mac mini to sync my garmin so I can share with you all the awesomeness that I've been doing. 

But h'alas, it's upstairs, and I am down here. 

I've gone all the way up to 18 miles so far - which should be 20. Unfortunately, last week my arch sprain decided to flair up, which it does from time to time, but normally I can push through it. But last week was rough: I was in SharePoint training all week and off my normal schedule, and the Friday before the long run, I was in SharePoint class, then working in the afternoon (on a sloooooooooooooooooooooooow internet), then Grad School at night then Wegmans, which meant I didn't get home until 8:30. And I was all panicked all day (for no reason, wtf body).

Not to mention that the course ran us right by the cars at mile 14. So here I come a'hobbling up the sidewalk. I know I need to do another 6, but the consensus from the crowds was that, no, I shouldn't. So I didn't. 

And I was going to run at the Pentagon yesterday to finish the last six (to get practice on the course) but some asshat decided to start shooting up DoD offices. Besides the fact that I was panicked about certain people, I knew it was going to be a giant cluster at the PNT. So I didn't. 

Tonight, though, I did do a full 5 (up and down the hill), so I guess that makes up for it. And I also saw Mackenzie from Valens and she confirmed my arch is still sprained (yep!) and my muscles in my legs are tight. 

(This next sentence is legitimately the only reason for this post)

So right now I am using my stick, which hurts like a bitch. So to numb the pain and reduce inflammation, I am drinking a glass of red wine. 

Stick and wine. And dogs. Nothing better.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jacob's Ladder

Tonight was another fun round of track repeats at TC Williams (Remember the Titans!). After a frenzied search for a parking spot, which was a total ordeal, I finally made it to the track. And since I was all hot and bothered about trying to get to the damned place, I was already warmed up too!

The plan for this evening was to run what is known as the ladder. Basically, you increase the distance for each "rep" then come back down. I checked with my intended marathon pace timing and came up with the following times for each of the different splits (Ch-ch-ch-check out my HTML table building skillz below).

Rep Distance Goal Time Actual Time
400m 434m 2:11-2:19 2:10
800m 756m 4:34-4:45 4:09
1200m 1223m 7:01-7:32 6:45
1200m 1223m 7:01-7:32 7:10
800m 708m 4:34-4:45 3:58
400m 434m 2:11-2:19 1:30

Both the HTML table and my awesome splitz. 

(PS: Yes, I know there's supposed to be a 1600m rep in there, but it was lightening out and was getting dark, and I did not want my good friends Joe and Sonia to get electrocuted. Also, if you look at the garmin info, you'll note the last rep is shorter. That is because in my excitement to get a-moving, I forgot to turn on my watch. But I know I was freaking flying, so the last one is a guesstimate).

Monday, August 19, 2013

No bagel


I just ran 4 miles and did not eat my half bagel before.


*pardon me while I go be ill in the corner*

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Double Recap

(Written at 4pm today)

This month has been insanity.

When I'm not running, I'm volunteering, or going out on a date, or going to a happy hour, or working. I literally have 0 actual time to myself, which is why last night I decided to not volunteer and take a night for myself. 

But that's not what this blog is about is it?

The week before last, here's the rundown (hah, see what I did there?)

Monday: Booz Allen Gym like a Boss
Tuesday: 4 miles up the hill
Wednesday: 400x repeats
Thursday: Speed demon (3 miles)

Saturday's run was a hot mess. Just narsty narsty. It was the Alexandria Triangle (Garmin info below)


This week, there was a lot of social events. First, on Monday, Pacers had another Port City run, which was and continues to be a lot of fun. Tuesday I had a really crappy day and felt sorry for myself, so I only did 3 miles and they were slow. Wednesday I had a date (GASP!) at the same time as the Hill Repeats, so I did my own Hill Repeats up Beacon Hill (~3 miles total). 

One of these days, I will actually be able to run up a hill without falling over dead.

Thursday I did not run, as I had a happy hour instead. Although there was some dancing after the happy hour ended (don't ask), so I count that as a quad workout.

And today I did 16 glorious miles up the Capital Crescent Trail. I was randomly booking it, and actually finished in just over 3 hours (full Garmin info below). I'm going to go back and see if that's a 16 mile record for me, because it might actually be. Although it was super nice outside today so I'm sure that had something to do with it.

It was so nice, in fact, that I actually found myself having difficulty breathing from the "coolness." I forgot my inhaler (dummy), and really felt like I could have used it today. But I pushed through, stopping every so often to cough like a pack a day smoker.

Also - I stopped eating at 7 last night and did not have coffee this morning (had some earl gray and soy milk instead), and did not have any stummy issues (still none). Trying to figure out if it's the coffee or if it's the eating late that causes the gastric distress. It's my 15 week experiment.


In other news, I'm going to go buy some compression gear from my buddies Joe and Kristen. I noted right around mile 7 that my legs started to feel fatigued, and I think maybe having some tightness to keep the muscles in place will help with the long term pain.

So I get to go spend money at Pacers, which is one of my most favorite things to do. Right after I go take an hour and a half yoga!nap at Pure Prana.

EDIT (8pm)

I would just like to document that 2 weeks ago, I ran 15 miles in 3:03, and today I ran a full mile longer in just the same amount of time.

Sonia was right to be proud of me. I'm kicking ass!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fifteen Miles and Remembering the Reason(s) why I'm doing this

Saturday's run was hard.

Not physically (well, yeah okay physically because there were some narsty hills).

But it was actually tougher mentally.

This week has been a crazy one - between dog rescuing, working, unabashed flirting, and running, I actually hit my limit and did not do speed work on Wednesday. But that's okay, because my body was saying "Hey doll, you're kind of killing us both here, so why don't you take it down a notch."

So this week's running went a little like this:

Monday - 3.32 Cross Fit Outside (which, let's face it, killed me)
Tuesday - 2.3 miles (+ a new pair of shoes! Thanks Zack at Pacers!)
Wednesday - Glorious sleeping time
Thursday - 3.12 miles (Posted below, because it was actually a total boss run)
Friday - Volunteering with Lost Dog 5k
Saturday - 15 miles

So let's pause for a second on the Thursday run, because for some reason I was keeping up with the cool kids for a mile and a half into the run (10 minute mile. Outside. What?!) Then I turned off and ran on my own, where I proceeded to wuss out and walk a lot more than I should have.

But still. Sonia is right, I am getting faster. (more on how awesome she is later).

Saturday was like "OOMPH. FIFTEEN. WHAT." At first, anyways.

Then I got a little confused at the directions (hah, shocker). So for the first five miles, I kept pausing my damned Garmin and checking my phone, like "Where the heck is this turn off for the W&OD trail?" Yes, friends, I have lived here for almost 10 years. But I had runner's brain.

Luckily, I kept running into fun runners smarter than me who were doing less than fifteen miles (like, you know, 10), who kept me pointed in the right direction. Then, I finally realized where I was going, and was like, "Okay, this is great."

Except by that point, I'd floundered for probably half an hour, and my schedule was all off. So there I was, on the Washington and Old Dominion Trail, 8 miles left to go in my run, and I started to really wish that I could just go home.

But, you know, I was way out in the boonies (figuratively speaking, you will note in the map below that I was right smack dab in the middle of Arlington County). And there was only one way to get back to my car, sitting at Gravelly Point.

On the run, I was reminded of a saying that will say, "Never give up on a dream just because it will take time to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway (Earl Nightingale)." And, in my deep dark thoughts, I realized that the eight miles back to the car would happen anyways. So I could either run them or walk them, but they were going to happen.

And guess what? Happen they did. Although I did take a little detour through Crystal City vice heading all the way back to the trail.

And even through all the stopping and starting and whining and whathaveyou, I still managed a 12 minute mile pace.

Which, let me say, when I got back to Gravelly Point, I was in no mood for life. Seriously. But, you know, my friends were hanging out there waiting for me to come back. Because they are seriously the most supportive people on the face of the planet. And I love them, although I don't know if I was that vocal about my affection after the run.

But I do, Pacers People. You guys are the reason why I continue to run. <3

Here's the Garmin data for the awesome Arlington Triangle.

Also, I was successful in staving off a migraine. I'm not sure if it was because it was cooler, or if it was because I downed a chocolate (soy) milk immediately after I got back and a nectarine, or if it was the gallon of Powerade I drank during the day, but I did not get a migraine. So thank God for small miracles.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Fun Run and Beer

Today's run was supposed to be at the gym.

As you can see, the promise of socializing with fun runners drew me to the Port City Brewery for a Beer and Run fun run. Which is ironic as I don't drink beer, but you know, I'm single and I have to be "out there" I guess. 

And, of course, my buddy was there leading his crossfit run of doom. And because I am a pushover, I went along until I could do no more. Then got lost for a bit. Then found my way back.

All in all, it was a fun night with my buddies. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Today's run was perfect.

Perfect 13 miles down the Potomac.

No asthma issues, no ankle issues, no hamstring issues. Some periods up the hill where the heart rate was over 90%, but nothing too crazy.

With all of this stuff not bothering me, it was actually nice to have some real muscle struggle. Which I can totally work through. And did.

The worst part of the run was actually after the 13 miles, with the long, slow walk up my narsty hill. Because I also RAN FROM MY HOUSE LIKE A BOSS.

I'll update the post later with the Garmin info once I can make it safely up my stairs. Which may take a while because I'M SO SORE!!! HOORAY!

Anywho, time for my usual Saturday routine of laying with a bunch of ice and watching marathons of my favorite show(s).


Garmin Info

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Round and Round We Go....

Wednesday night is Speed Work at TC Williams (Remember the Titans!)

Today I was only on the schedule to run 2 miles, since I'm trying not to go too nuts with increasing mileage while I play catch-up.

And my friends over at Pacers told me that today we were running 400m repeats. Which, if you've never run track (and, let's face it, I haven't), means 1 lap.

1 lap running hard (ish)
1 lap jog
1 lap running hard (ish)
1 lap jog

And so on and so forth.

Now running on a flat surface is just the bee's knees. So, naturally, I'm busting out 10 minute miles (and even one 8 minute mile loop). Although, as happy as I was about it, I was doing my "tough" jog at the same pace the other folks were doing their "easy" jog. But at least we finally got to run together!

Total today was just over 2 miles (you'll see I forgot to turn on my damned watch for a minute). I could have done a few more, but, like I said, the focus now is to slowly build mileage.

I will say that Mother Nature is going to be oh so kind the rest of the week, and give us some nice weather. So perhaps that'll do something with my heart rate.

And speaking of heart rate, took it VERY easy tonight, pausing after each loop. Average was 162/84%, maximum was 180/93%.

I picked up my Flovent and took my first puff of it tonight, after the run. I also picked up some more Allegra, so we'll see if that helps with any of the crap in my lungs.

I'm really getting tired of having to deal with this - at what point can I just RUN without all of this shenanigans!!!

In other news..........I really want a big, juicy steak.

Let's get Physical!

(Part I: Pre Run)

So I went for my annual check-up today. We chatted about general things and then I off-hand mentioned that my heart rate is at 175 bpm average on runs lately. Oh, and my arm was tingling.

She didn't think that was very healthy.

So I got my first EKG! 

Long Story Short: My heart is fine (small murmur, but she said that's normal for women). Doc thinks its medicine-related, the combo of the Advair and Albuterol, but mostly the Advair. So I'm switching to a new long-acting inhaler for le asthma. If it doesn't get better in a week, I have a referral to a cardiologist to get an echocardiogram. 

Hope I don't need it. Meh.

Now, off to go run. We'll see how that goes.

(Part II: Post Run Next Day)

Welp, it may not be the medicine.

I took only my albuterol and WHEEEE my heartrate was high. So maybe it's the albuterol, not the advair.

Since I should have been doing this from the get-go, but I'm too lazy to turn on my mac mini more than once a month (that's why I have an iPad y'all), here's my Garmin info:

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mondays are for Scissor Kicks

So it's Manic Monday. 

Or crossfit Mondays.

Today I went 10 minutes on the Strength Training Elliptical (OW MY QUADS) Then I half-hearted attempted to do some scissor kicks and lifts and push-ups....didn't work out so well.

Then I did 20 minutes on the Easy Elliptical.

So we'll call that 3 miles.  

Then I came home and mowed my lawn.

And we'll call that lunges.


Saturday, July 20, 2013



That's about how I felt after today's run.

It was 82 degrees at 6:30 this morning, with about a billion percent humidity.

This is how I feel right now:

But I muddled through it at probably just around 9.5 miles (I had a bit of runners brain and forgot to turn my Garmin back on for maybe half or three quarters of a mile). Took me just under 2 hours too. 

Earlier in the run, I had an epiphany. Those who know me know I like to plan (read: I like to control things). And I really get pissed off when my plans do not happen the way I want them to (read: I don't like it when I lose control of things). So I think that's probably why I get so annoyed with myself when I don't run as fast or work as hard as I think I'm capable of. 

But I started a new running mantra today. The mantra is, "I am in control of this run." Sure, I will take input from my body and the Blergh (who was so kind to bark in my ear every time my heart rate hit 95% and my shoulders started to tingle - I'm sure that's healthy). But I decide how the run will go and I will decide how I feel about this run.

Today I decided to be satisfied with the effort I put in. It was hot, it was humid, it was 10 miles, and I have an arch sprain (surprisingly very little barking from the arch today). Today's goal was distance and I did the distance.

And speaking of distance:

Monday - 2.5 on the treadmill + strength training
Tuesday - 3 with Pacers
Wednesday - Did Not Run (:X)
Thursday - Handed out ice, but DNR
Friday - 3.5 miles on the elliptical (IT COUNTS.)
Saturday - 9.5 miles with Pacers

Total Mileage: 18 miles

I'm 3 miles shy of my goal mileage for the week. But we had heat advisories and code reds and such all week, so I believe I'm going to accept this week's work as satisfactory.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ice Ice Baby!

So this morning, we got the lovely news that it was code orange air quality. So in my new embracement of not killing myself outside, I opted for the gym.

Except that didn't happen...

I was all, "Yeah, time to go to the corporate office."

Then my boss was like, "Eeh, I'm teleworking today."

And then the prospect of driving ALL THAT WAY....

So that didn't happen. 

But I did go to Fun Run.

To hand out ice.

Let's just say this was the general reaction when they got their ice:

Just a lot sweatier. 

So tomorrow morning, 7am elliptical date. My penance for my laziness. Then work, then 10 miles on Saturday.

Now the question is, do I want to drink a glass of wine tonight?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Blergh and the Arch Sprain (Take 2)

(I am a web developer by trade and the margins on the other post were driving me INSANE. So I fixed it)

If you haven't seen this comic strip by the Oatmeal, it is everything that I think while I run.


Especially the part about vanity, eating my face off, and the Blergh, the little fat me who follows me and tells me I need to quit while I am ahead.

The Blergh is what I fight against, daily. 

But today's foe is more annoying.

I apparently have an arch sprain in my right foot. 

What the front door, man.

I don't think it's that bad, but it's still annoying. The less I'm on it, the better off I'll be. (Thanks to Mackenzie at Valens Physical Therapy for being the bad news bear.)

So it's time for RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). Luckily, I have a date with an old friend tomorrow, and it's 10 BILLION degrees outside.

Speaking of which, my heart rate was at a nice 90-95% the whole run. I'm sure that's healthy. 

In other news, I need to get new shoes. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Crossfitting at the Corporate Office

So today was the first time I used my corporate dungeon, I mean gym, to do a cop-out workout. I say cop-out, and I feel kind of like it is, but it isn't. 

So I did 1.5 mile on the treadmill, going somewhere between 6 and 7mph (hooray!) in just above 15 minutes. Then I went and did all of the things our fun run leader makes us do, except I was happy as a clam in air conditioning. So 60 reps doing tricep dips, then 20 push-ups, then some bicycle kicks, then some planking, then some lunges. Then, when I was done, I went and ran another 1 mile in just over 10 minutes.


Tomorrow's weather is hellfire with a chance of swamp and pollution. So we shall see how that goes. Bad, most likely. But c'est la vie.

(Making a note of this, but my plantar fasciitis in my right foot is acting up.) 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Marathoning....take 2....

I really fail at blogging lately, but I'm trying to get back into it.

So since my last post, I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in just under six hours (5:57:39 to be exact). Kind of disappointing, especially because I had an internal mental breakdown at mile 14 (MILE FOURTEEN I TELL YOU!). Basically, did not take Tums, got feeling ill, didn't eat or drink for 2 hours, and by that time...well it was just finishing at that point.

And because I am my own worst critic and a self-described perfectionist in everything I do (with the exception of cleaning, LOLZ), that only meant I had to try again.

And I tell you, I had a great plan back in December:

1. Train for a fast 5k in February
2. Train for a fast 10 miler in April
3. Train for a fast half marathon in June
4. Train all summer for a fast(er) marathon in October.

Boss, right?

WELL....as I have found out repeatedly this year, planning is useless. (Seriously, ask me about that wedding I'd planned to have sometime next year....)

1. I plum-ass FORGOT to sign up for the 5k, which was Love the Run You're With. Like....walked up to the registration desk, checked bank statements, etc. before it dawned on me that I FORGOT TO SIGN UP FOR THE RACE I WAS TRAINING FOR.

2. Right around March I started to have really bad hamstring pain, which put a huge damper in my training. I was actually considering pulling out of the race, but then the Boston Marathon bombing happened. And let's just say, it dawned on me that this could very well be my last race (I mean, you never know, see post above about planning). So I ran the GW Parkway Classic in something...who knows. Because I had SERIOUS GI issues; the difference between my watch time and bib time was something like 15 minutes.

Oh, and that hamstring pain? Turns out my left butt was "asleep" (not firing correctly), and causing my gait to be off. Pain was gone in about three days. WTF.

3. I knew going into the VA Wine Country Half that SOMETHING was going to go wrong. I mean, I was 0 for 2, how could this one go any better? And, I was right (hooray?). It was humid, hot, gross, and miserable. And it had been a ridiculously cold spring, so I was woefully unprepared for the humidity. In fact, I actually considered going to the medical tent and/or passing out. But if I passed out, they would call my emergency contact, which happened to be my ex-boyfriend (see aforementioned comment re: wedding above). So I finished in - literally - my worst time ever.

Which brings us to #4 - train all summer. Well first thing, I was in Florida, and my great dreams of keeping to my running schedule were dashed due to high humidity and high alcohol levels (hey, I'd just gotten out of a long-ass relationship, quit judging). Then, during week 1 of training, I was driving my baby cousin all over south Florida looking at colleges. Then aforementioned cousin got me sick, like - fever-sick (I can't remember the last time I had a fever). So two weeks went by with very little running, and the running that did happen was slow and miserable.


Last week, I finally got back on schedule, due to a couple of things. I realized that being sick with a gross-ass lung infection + asthma + humidity + pollution = nearly fainting, so I did something I haven't done in at least three years - run on a treadmill.

But I was sprinting 9 minute miles. Easy. Like, I might have been able to do 8:30s. And I wasn't coughing my face off. And I wasn't dizzy. At ALL.

Then I was able to do 7 miles yesterday on my first "long run" of the marathon training season. And I actually enjoyed it - I was like, "Damn, Whit, you're drinking your Nuun, out at 7am, it's only 75 or so and cloudy, and you're at Haines Point. This is exactly where I want to be right now." And I even smiled (You should click on that link to hear how I am saying "smiled").

In all, I did a grand total of 19 miles this week: 3 on Monday in my neighborhood, 3 on Tuesday with Pacers, 3 on Wednesday in the gym, 3 on Thursday with Pacers, and 7 on Saturday with Pacers.

Next week, I am aiming to do 21 miles:

Monday: 3 Miles + Weights and such at the gym (In lieu of killing myself in the heat and humidity, I'm going to take advantage of the gym, free weights, and dog-less stretch time.)
Tuesday: 3 miles with Pacers (depending on how I'm feeling, maybe 4)
Wednesday: Speed Work with Pacers (distance is maybe 2-3 miles)
Thursday: 3 miles with Pacers
Saturday: 10 miles with Pacers

I'm planning (dammit Whit, what have I told you about planning!!!!) to do a little more building of my base mileage until I am completely caught up, 21 this week, 24 next week, 28 week after that, before dropping down during my off week. I'm also going to start off only doing 3 every day during the week, before gradually upping my mileage to 4 miles (during the long run off week), then 5 miles at the next long run off week. I think the biggest thing I didn't do last year was keep up with my mileage during the week.

So that's a long story of what's happening in the Full-Whit universe. I really am going to try to continue and blog this marathon training this year, because I feel like it motivates me and allows me to overanalyze every single thing that I do, which is kind of my cuppa tea.

So with that, I leave you with a little bit of running humor. I'll be here in just a few weeks....