I tell them all the work is done and regardless of how it has gone, the key thing is to relax and realize that the months of training are more important than the last two weeks, so relaxing and letting that training come to fruition is most important. As Coach Dellinger used to say, "the hay is in the barn!"

- Coach Salazar

Friday, September 2, 2011

Technology is teh worst sometimes

I live in an area where AT&T fails miserably at times. Today was one of those times.

So my run yesterday was postponed in lieu of helping a friend move, so this morning after doing a few hours of work and study, I headed out for my interval training. 

I'm beginning my run and wondering...gee...these quarter mile alerts are coming pretty fast - and its saying I'm running super fast. Wonder what's up?

But hey! I went with it!

Until about a mile and a half in, I wondered why I hadn't been hearing ANY audio alerts. Looked at my phone and run keeper was stuck on 1.05. 


I fiddle-faddled with it and did the usual shenanigans, but to no avail. So I quit the run and re-started.

Except my freaking AT&T signal wouldn't work. Thanks dude, will be moving to VZW when Steve Tim (Cook) releases the new iPhone. Kthxbye

So I said, Ok, I'll run another quarter mile (lucky for me I've done this route a lot, so I know about where the markers are), time it, and then add it. 

Long Story Short - I spent about 10 minutes trying to get a freaking signal before it finally worked. 

By this point, I was all flustered - not the least bit because I had almost been run over a bunch of times by rude bikers. Then Boo called, and I snapped at him for calling, then I had to go do intervals, and my freaking thing wasn't still working and oh yeah, my inhaler is on empty, so I wasn't getting any medicine when I puffed. 

Add all of that together, and I pretty well damn near had either an asthma attack or a panic attack. I pushed myself into a little wooded area and told myself to Calm The $^#T$ Down. Took some time to catch my breath and then continued. 

Although RunKeeper says I didn't do but 5 miles, I know I turned around after the 3 mile point, so I'm going to say I fulfilled my obligation of my intervals today.

The intervals were not the worst, if I do say so myself. They were 2 x 2 minutes and 2x 2:30 with a minute slow in-between, and I believe I did a fairly good job on the majority of them! 

The biggest accomplishment today was that I was able to recognize an impending panic/asthma attack and stop it before I got hysterical. Even before it was anything more than a tingling in the chest. I also was able to push myself to keep running for around 80% of the run - which isn't bad considering all of the freaking issues.

I also repeat that unless AT&T improves service in my neck of the woods, I'm switching back to VZW. It's 2011 kids, should not be dealing with this issue. 

Oh Yeah - and no joint pain - period :D

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