In addition to the Tuesday and Thursday runs, Pacers also has a fun run early on Saturday morning. These are designed for those who need a long run - either preparing for a marathon or half like me. I, however, chose to run with Pacers butt-crack early on Saturday morning because my training called for running a 10k race on Saturday. With no 10ks to speak of (and I didn't want to spend any money :P), I opted to run out with them.
The long run this week began at Gravelly Point and worked its way up the Potomac. Talk about the most gorgeous view of DC you can get! I passed the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument (of course, I can see that from my house, it's so damn big), and the Capitol.
I also began my experimentation with CLIF Energy Shots. Pacers had them out for sampling, so I took four. For this run, I tried the Mocha one - simply because it had caffeine in it, and I didn't feel like breaking out my coffee. I was a little nervous because sometimes too much sugar or caffeine - combined with my inhaler - can give me the shakes, but surprisingly, I had no real issues. Not even a digestive issue! So I'll look into these.
RunKeeper Result
Total Distance: 6.22 Miles
Total Time: 1:11:41
Avg Pace: 11:32 min/mile
The first half I actually ran at a race pace - 10:44/mile. Then I decided to call my folks (why? I dunno, just because). Unfortunately, that slowed me down a bit, because I had to be able to talk and run at the same time. Oh well - got a good 30 minute talk in with my parents anyways!
I definitely felt the 4 miles I had done the night before, but the GU stuff actually helped keep me not braindead. Definitely only going to be used for the longer runs - it's hard to eat, actually.
All in all, pretty good run!
Oh yeah, and while I only did 6 - the rest of the group did 15.5. One day Snickle, one day...
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