Knees began to tweak a bit during the race today - might need new shoes (can't remember when I bought these) or most likely new inserts.
So for now I am icing as a precaution. Hopefully Sunday's run will be less painful as I will be resting all day tomorrow.
On to happier things :)
Zoe and I got there late because Mommy took a nap and then watched Stephen Colbert and then said, "oh snap!" and Route 7 is teh awfulz. But we got there before the race started anyways, so that was good.
First mile was pretty decent, I think we ran it under 11 minutes (full pace thingy once Pacers gets it uploaded). They moved the race 600M south on the trail in order to give us more room to race, and the race actually went a lot better.
I had a smoothie on the way to the race this time (and a Panera brownie around 4pm) but didn't drink as much water. Felt it, but pushed through anyways. I'm learning that when I want to quit, I have to keep going. Then, when I want to quit again, I keep going. The third time in succession that I want to quit, I can walk. That's how I ended up running 5 miles yesterday at 10:30.
I think my finish time tonight was around 33:30, which is a full minute and a half better than last week's. I'm happy with it - Zoe still didn't win for her size group. Sad :(
That's all for now, and here's hoping my knees can rest up during rest day tomorrow.
Here's the official results
104 16/28 119 Whitney 25 F 33:28.9 (GUN) 33:01.2 (NET) 10:38 (PACE) 105 329 Zoe D 33:29.7 (GUN) 33:01.8 (NET) 10:38 (PACE)
Here are some pictures:
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